When you have lived in the same place for a while, your interior can start to feel boring and uninspiring. And replacing your whole interior costs a lot of money. But did you know there are some easy ways to make your interior feel fresh without spending any money? Find out more below.

Rearrange furniture

According to Katie Simpson of Mackenzie Collier Interiors, moving your furniture is a perfect way to make your interior look brand new without it costing a dime. She told The Spruce: \”The simplest way to make a space feel new is to rearrange your furniture. Move pieces from one area to another, changing both the function and feeling of a room.\” So, move your chairs and furniture around. Turn the living room into the dining room and vice versa. Your room will look brand new without you having to buy anything!


When you have lived in your house for years, chances are that you have collected a lot of stuff in your home. If you want to give your home a much needed make-over, it could help to declutter your home and get rid of some stuff. Simpson explains: \”Spaces tend to look chaotic and disorganized the more stuff we keep adding, so an easy way to refresh is to declutter and clean off your surfaces.\”

Change art

If you have art on your walls, you probably have been looking at the same picture for years. So change it up! And use unexpected things to create art. Like framing a band t-shirt or your children\’s baby clothes. Draw some pictures yourself or have your children or grandchildren create art for you. There are a lot of different options when it comes to art; the sky is the limit. So, explore your house and your garden to look for things you can frame. Some new art can make your house look completely different.

Switch decorations

Just like with your art, you probably keep the same decorative pieces in the same place you put them all those years ago. But who says that your candles, bowls and other decorative items wouldn\’t look just as good in a different spot? So move them around. Kathy Kuo, founder and CEO of Kathy Kuo Home, told The Spruce: \”My favorite way to change the mood of my home without spending on new pieces is to rotate all of my decorative accents on my coffee table and shelves. If you have books on your bookshelf with artful covers, try placing them on your coffee table or console. If you\’re currently using a decorative bowl or tray in your entryway, see how you like it in your living room instead.\”

With these tips, your house will look completely different. And the best part? It did not cost you a thing!

Source: The Spruce | Image: Unsplash, Spacejoy